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Usa Kate Spade Florence Eyeglasses

Usa Kate Spade Florence Eyeglasses

Report By: Nina Rai London , 06 June, 2012 Now that the Queen”s diamond jubilee celebrations is over,once again the topic of Duchess Kate”s pregnancy is makingthe rounds. Two of the top celebrity magazines in UK, Globe and In Touch Weekly have made the sensational claim that Prince William”s wifeis pregnant. Well, if the news is indeed true, then there is every reason forthe British royal family to start popping the champagne again thismonth, just days after the Queen”s hugely successful jubileefiesta. ‘Pregnant kate Gets A Gun,” is the blazing cover story featured in this week”s GLOBE Magazin

Soit”s not a complete surprise GLOBE”s disclosure about aplot being afoot to kidnap Prince William. Naturally any danger to the life of the future King of England alsoposes a grave threat to his spouse, as well. This explains whyGLOBE also mentions on its cover that not only has kate beenauthorized firearms for self defense, she is even said to bereceiving special martial arts training. While this is the scary part of being a high-profile celebrity, letus for now focus on the positive side of the two magazines”cover stories on Kate”s pregnancy. Workstations

Report By: Nina Rai London , 21 May, 2012 Royal watchers must have noted the marvelous transformation of kate Middleton kate Middleton from an average middle-class Brit girl to being the current stylediva. Duchess Catherine is widely acclaimed today as a success inher royal role, as well as lauded as a fashion icon by fashionistasworld-over. The tall Duchess is fast moving from demure to daring,metamorphosing herself into the most glamorous royal after her latemother-in-law, Princess Diana Princess Diana . Since becoming a member of the British royal family, in terms ofher wardrobe and dressin